Where to place Argus in your suite of enterprise software?
Through the presentation of Argus Enterprise and exchanges with a few current users Altus Group wishes to know the functional coverage of its solutions to new investors and experts, and collect the intentions of the market french in terms of use of the Fiji data exchange model.
It is in this perspective that the first steps taken with the FIDJI Association will lead to the integration of the FIDJI format by Argus Enterprise as a data source.
This workshop is an opportunity to answer these questions:
- Where to situate ARGUS in your enterprise software suite?
- What is precisely its functional coverage?
- What solutions would supplement or replace Argus enterprise in your organization?
Organization of the workshop:
- the FIDJI statues and glimpses of the standard organization
- ALTUS Group Demonstration
- ARGUS ENTERPRISE testimony of participating users Questions / answers